Over the past few weeks and months, I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of different small business owners, from photographers to consultants to paper artists to jewelers to hair stylist and a lot of fashion designers, etc...
One thing we all noticed that we had in common was that when we looked at where we were and where we wanted to be and the patterns that are being established we could ALL be doing a lot better.
The thing is, just because you're a photographer, it doesn't mean that you automatically know how to run a business.Many who have learned the hard way can tell you that 97.3% of the time, if an entrepreneur has a great idea and/or product but does not have an effective business model/structure to deliver the products/services, IT WILL NOT LAST and if it does, there will be a lot of stress, heartache, frustrations, sleepless nights, etc. And the thing is, it doesn't have to be that way.
Can I be a little honest and transparent for a moment? God help me. So when I first started the photography business, I did not have a clue what I was doing. I had no idea about pricing and marketing and all those other good stuffs. Now a lot of you are smarter than me and probably figured out the basic for your business quickly but it took me months.!!
I was so afraid to charge people what I was worth. Every time someone would approach me, I would be like I don't know what do you want to pay? (and you know the opportunists realized right away that they just got a sicker, smh) I would hear stuff like, oh well you know I don't have a lot of money and blah blah.
The funniest thing was when someone I knew came up to me and asked me for a photo shoot. I was then asked how much is the session and when I answered, she looked at me and said oh I have to pay. Sucked her teeth and walked away.
I tell ya. When you don't have a structure in place and when you don't understand your value, people will use you....use you....use you.
Anywho, long story short, it was a process for me and when I met these other entrepreneurs and started having conversations with them, want to know what I found out? HELLO? I said, do you want to know what I found out?
Fine, I'll tell you anyway. I realized that most of us were stumbling our way through the business portion and the few who actually had an effective system established realized that they could be doing so much better.
Long story short, a few months ago I was sent an email invite to a tele-seminar featuring Brendon Burchard. Ever heard of him? Me neither.
Even though I didn't know him, I was interested to hear what he had to say, so I tuned in and listened to the while call, right down to the goodbyes. BEST DECISION EVER.
He founded a program called Experts Academy. Even though his focus is on Authors, Coaches, Online Marketers, Speakers, and Seminars, the value that you get from his program can be applied in any and everything - even photography! go figure.
So with great enthusiasm, I introduce him to you. One of the most useful and value packed segments I find, is the Online Marketing.
Go to this link and then come back and post a comment letting me know what you think. Trust me. It is worth it.
Ok. Go then let me know. I am waiting to get your feedback ok.
Talk to you in a bit.