It was crazy to me that so many extremely talented people didn't get their true value.
Too many times in life, when we have a gift or talent, we allow - our opinions of ourselves or what others say, or what we think others will say, or what "they" are doing - to influence the value we put on ourselves. And MOST of us are guilty of that. Let's face it, sometimes we just don't feel good enough or that we compare.
I remember when I was first starting out with photography, that I would visit a lot of different sites and when I saw the quality of work that was out there, I was like alright let me take myself and my little camera and go park it. In my mind, there was no way that I could compare with what was out there. But then something really weird started happening. People liked my work and were hiring me!!!
Blew my mind!
I was receiving requests for weddings, private shoots, family sessions, individual sessions, was crazy.
I was fortunate enough that enough people saw the value of my photography that I was encouraged to keep going. But I wonder, how many people with different gifts and talents give up before they give themselves a chance because for some insane reason, they didn't think they were good enough.
If no one ever told you were good enough or if they told you that you were good enough, but you didn't believe them, can I just tell you that you are probably good enough. Lol. Lol. (Forgive me :) I don't know what you do I can't say for sure whether or not you are. But what I will say is 1.Be honest with yourself 2. Give yourself a chance, and 3. Stop waiting for someone to tell you! Encourage yourself.
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