Thursday, October 21, 2010


So when shooting out in nature, interruptions are fair game, from the onlookers...

(After dad noticed that I was watching him, he pulled his child away and they kept on going.)

to the animals ...

(I don't quite remember the name of this creature, but while we were shooting on one end of the aisle, we noticed that there was a crowd gathering so naturally, we walked over to see what was going on.  Apparently this is a pregnant -maneater?-.There actually were a few of them, which lead us to wondering where were the males. That's when we learned they mate, then the women eat the males.

Then our impromptu tour guide followed that up with " you know, like in real life."  ha ha ha.
We let that comment slide because he was kind enough to allow the creature to crawl into his hands so I can take a picture. :)

to the tourists that want a picture with the model.

(We were once again minding our own business, when a whole pack of tourists came filing by.  We of course, continue doing what we had to do, when the brave one in the back says "Hey, picture?"

Our gracious model agrees, then he hands me the camera! SMH. Anywho they seemed to enjoy it while the women looked on.  True Story :)

We had it all in one shoot.  All in a day's work I suppose :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE how you captured "all in a days work"! gotta love city life! ;)
